Pouter Pigeon Video Download

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I ordered 5 Kazan Tumblers and 4 Pigmy Pouters from two different sellers. I thought it was delivery with Kazan Tumblers and when I found out how light the box was, I thought I got scammed since. Horseman pouters 2013 pageant of pigeons. Horseman Pouter Club of North America December 1, 2013. Horseman pouters 2013 pageant of pigeons.

Your Guide to Fancy Pigeon Breeds

There are several breeds and types of pigeons, but if there were ever a supermodel pigeon, the English Pouter would be stomping down the runway during fashion week. Homing pigeons, of course, would be the nerds — calculating and compassing their way home with precession. Pouters have endlessly long legs, voluptuous crops (or globes), stand tall, and do not merely strut about in the loft, but saunter. They put the bass in their walk, as they project an attitude of utmost confidence as they take long strides, placing one foot in front of the other.

Pouter Pigeon Video Download

These birds are so attractive that a breed known as the Horseman Thief Pouter steals and retrieves wild pigeons and other fancier’s pigeons back to their loft with its good looks and wooing. Possibly as far back as the 17th century, the Horseman Thief Pouter was developed to have a high sex drive, to be nimble in flight, possess a strong homing instinct, and the ability and intent to seduce other pigeons. Generally speaking, Pouter breeds are very promiscuous and the Horseman Pouter is even more so. This type of selective breeding makes for entertaining birds in the loft, show pen, and flying around the yard.

Frank Barrachina, who now lives in Pinon Hills, California has been breeding pigeons for most of his life. At age 66, he calculates that he has been breeding his favorites, Pouters and Croppers, for the past 54 years. He says that Pouters and Croppers are basically the same group of pigeons and the words are interchangeable.

“Both names describe a pigeon with the unique ability to fill its crop with air,” says Barrachina. But it is more than that, really. It also describes a pigeon that is naturally tame. The ability to distend the crop was originally used by the male pigeon to win over a mate.

Throughout the centuries of selective breeding, this feature of wooing mates with an inflated globe lent itself to being a very tame pet bird. Although there are all kinds of Pouters and Croppers with different distinct physical shapes and markings, they all share the common trait of being able to inflate their crop.

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Barrachina breeds two distinctive radically different looking Pouter breeds. The English Pouter is the tallest breed of fancy pigeons with some of the biggest ones being 16 inches in height. The most unusual aspect about this breed is that they should stand upright with the eye over the ball of the foot. They have long legs that are clad in smooth feathers.

“The body is also far removed from that of the bird your mind associates with pigeons. Cheats for word hunt on game pigeon. It is slim with a “V” shaped keel,” says Barrachina.

His other unique breed is the Old German Cropper. “This is the longest breed of fancy pigeon with some measuring 24 inches in length. ͞This extreme length comes from the long wing flights and tail,” said Barrachina. ͞The wings when opened and spread measure three or more feet across. The Old German Cropper stands close and parallel to the ground. While they appear substantial and full bodied, they are not thick and heavy but create the illusion of sheer size with their feathering. While they are not the best flyers, they breed well and are very fertile.

Barrachina serves as the secretary of the National Pouter and Cropper Club and is a well-known judge of the Pouter breeds. Barrachina and his wife, Tally have traveled the world judging pigeons, focusing on Pouters, and enjoy meeting other fanciers who share the same passion. “We’ve met a lot of wonderful folks over the years and they all share a common love for these unique pigeons,” says Barrachina.

Tally breeds Pigmy Pouters and Saxon Pouters along with many other fancy varieties for top show competitions. The couple has achieved Master Breeder status from the National Pigeon Association and National Pouter & Cropper Club for their achievements with these breeds.

While judging shows, Barrachina encourages the pigeons to inflate their crops, or as fanciers call them globes, and show off their strutting and posing skills.

“The tamer the bird, the better it is likely to win if its physical attributes as set forth by the standard are met,” says Barrachina. It all works together, but if the bird were sulky or kind of wild, it won’t show to its full potential. So a Pouter judge, if he or she is good, coos to the birds, plays with them and gets them to look their best. Posture and temperament are a big aspect when it comes to the show hall. A bird that is strutting and dancing will generally do well compared to one just standing, doing nothing.

Jeff Clemens, of Altoona, Iowa has been raising English Pouters since he was 12 years old growing up in Fort Dodge, Iowa. For the last 25 years, he has been raising English Pouters and a variety of other Pouters.

For those interested in breeding Pouters, having surrogate pigeons on standby might be a good idea for many of the varieties. With those long supermodel-like legs, Pouters in the nest can become a bit clumsy and will possibly break the eggs. Clemens who raises 25 to 30 Pouter squabs a year uses German Beauty Homers and Racing Homers as the surrogate parents. “In some cases, I will also hand feed the Pouter babies once they reach seven days old to allow them to trust me and become more friendly, which pays off in the show hall.”

For show-quality birds, the National Pigeon Association (NPA) standard for each breed depicts the colors, markings, stance/posture, head shape, eye color, as well as the faults that disqualify a bird. The positioning and length of the legs is a key with the English Pouters as they are with most of the 30 plus Pouter breeds.

Knowing how to properly house and feed pigeons is the key to raising pigeons successfully. “It all begins with a good loft, clean feed, quality grit, and always clean water,” says Clemens. “Some of our Pouters can breed and raise their young by themselves, others require a more common kind of feeder, such as a homer, to raise their young. It’s a simple process that requires changing eggs that are laid at the same time.”

Clemens says that the pigeon hobby is a wonderful way for kids as well as adults to do something fun together. “There isn’t anything like the spring when pairs are mated up and the eggs are hatching as we wait to see if the next Champion was just born,” says Clemens. “For kids, this hobby teaches responsibility and time management — much more exciting than sitting at a computer all day — this goes for any of the poultry or fowl birds. One thing that’s nice about pigeons is that they are much smaller and you can keep a few more to enjoy. Some folks like to fly their birds and others like to participate in shows, so there’s a big variety of why people enjoy the hobby.”

The National English Pouter Club is an organization that Rick Wood and Jeff Clemens re-established in 2012. “The club has been in existence off and on since the early 1900s and the interest was there to re-establish it in 2012, ” explains Clemens. “Today we have 25 members and it’s growing monthly as the interest continues to build in the breed.” The club’s members consist of doctors, accountants, military members, teachers, masonry workers, and many blue-collar careers. “It’s such a diverse group of people that sometimes I find it inconceivable that all walks of life can have an interest in this intriguing breed,” says Clemens.

Do you raise English Pouter pigeons? Let us know how you’re doing and lend advice to those just thinking of getting started.

Categories : Poultry 101


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Horseman Pouters

One of the Last True Dual Purpose Pigeon Breeds

The Horseman Thief Pouter is a relatively new breed to the US having been introduced in 2004 with four pairs of imports and has since been rapidly growing in popularity being exhibited in good numbers at all the major shows.

The origin of the Horseman Pouter is a mystery but many believe the breed was originally created as a cross between a Continental type Pouter and the now extinct breed known as the Horseman. The ancient Horseman is said to have looked somewhere between a Carrier and a Dragoon. It was a swift flying breed. The original cross was called the 'Powting Horseman' which is how the name 'Horseman Pouter' began. It is very possible that the birds came through Spain to Scotland in the 17th or 18th Century. The earliest reference that can be found is from Thomas Moore when he refers to the breed in 1735 when he says, “The Norwich Cropper appears to be a derivative of the 'Powting Horseman.' A quote from Jimmy Dolier's book, 'Horseman Pouters,' on page 80 says the Horseman is made up of one part Racing Homer with three parts Pouter. The actual word ' Horseman' is the Scottish word for Highway Robber and the birds were originally used to catch food (in the form of other pigeons) for the table.

Pouter Pigeon Video Download Pc

Horseman Pouters have an upright stance, upright and round globe with slightly long legs. They are not as extreme as most of the Pouter breeds, which gives them the streamlined look of the flying breed they were originally created to be. The standard calls for a bird around 10' high, so they are not a large breed. They make very good parents and rarely have any crop problems

Besides proper structure, the main focus in breeding is put on sex drive, intelligence, agility, flying ability, homing instinct and the ability and intent to seduce other pigeons, which results in a great temperament in the loft, show pen and in flying and clapping around outside in the yard and in the air. The Pouter breeds in general are very promiscuous and entertaining birds and the Horseman Pouter is much more so. This type of selective breeding makes for real characters in the loft, show pen and outside in the yard. There's never a dull moment with a Horseman around. Horseman really know how to put on a show, not only for other pigeons but for the show judges and their owners.

Horseman Pouters are truly one of the last dual purpose Pigeon breeds. They make excellent show birds standing truly royal and proud, blowing, strutting and showing a lot of fire in the show pens. There has been a growing amount of competition at the national shows each year with Horseman being among the most popular Pouters. It's great fun and a challenge breeding them to the show standard.

Horseman also come in a large array of beautiful colors. We have the three base colors of Blues, Ash Reds and Browns in the patterns Bar, Checker and T-Checker. Also the modifiers Dilute, Grizzle, Spread, White Grizzle, Indigo, Andalusian, Almond, Reduced, Dominate Opal, Recessive Red, Tortoiseshell and Powder.

Since the Horseman is made up of one part Racing Homer with three parts Pouter one top judge in the UK said he looks for a longer legged Homer look with an apple size globe. The body is also extended but not to the extreme. They should have the feel in the hand of a small racer, with tight, high quality feathering and strong muscles.

Being a true dual purpose breed if you like to fly your Horseman they are as entertaining as a kit of rollers. No, they don't roll, but what they do is let loose and express that fire and showmanship they are bred for in the air and on the ground! Around the yard they will clap, glide and show off by blowing. Many times they will take off in a kit and route out like Homers and all come back at once from seemingly nowhere clapping and blowing. It's quite a performance!

Countless Fanciers in Scotland fly Horseman Pouters in competition, with the aim of capturing other Flyers' birds. This has been common practice in the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh for many years. The sport has it's origins in Spain with different versions with essentially the same basic principles being practiced in cities around the world. The sport consists of the the cock or hen enticing a rival bird back to its home loft by a variety of strategies. Upon entering the loft, it is captured and becomes the property of the capturer. Seduction is the most common method. A hen in a particularly attractive condition seduces another person's amorous cock back to her loft or to his, depending on which one wins.

Today working and exhibition birds are probably Scotland’s national breed, with their popularity constantly growing with entries of 300 Horseman at some of the larger shows.

Here in the US they are one of the fastest growing breeds, soon to be a major factor. We already have a national club, The Horseman Pouter Club of North American formed in 2006. See www.horsemanpouter.com/HPCNA.html

Pouter Pigeon Breeds

And yes they are as purebred as any other Pouter breed. I was talking to one of the biggest names in Pouters and told him that I kept Horseman and he said 'oh those Silesian crosses.' What? I guess since they are new to the US there's a lot of misinformation going around.
I love them and think they will soon be the most popular Pouter breed in the US. They are great show birds with many challenges. they come in a vast array of colors. They have great personalities that will endure themselves to you. They are great for beginners and experts and are never are expensive (I may be the last one to spend big bucks on them). Many of the breeders will distribute quality birds at a very reasonable price. It's not going to cost you an arm and a leg to get competitive birds. They are great fliers that entertain you in the air as much as rollers with their puffing, clapping and show-boating. To me they are the way a Pouter was created to be.

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Brunner Pouter Pigeons For Sale

Escape game pigeon forge groupon. Pictured below are some of our breeders.None of these birds on this page are for sale. To see what we currently have up for sale go to oursale page.

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