Game Pigeon Hacks Cup Pong

What it is: A way fun physically active game played around a pool table.

Cup Pong Cheats

Cup Pong is a game under the Game Pigeon umbrella- an app that allows you to play a range of virtual games through iMessage, including darts, basketball, and pool. Like beer pong, your aim is to. This tutorial is the third tutorial in a series of five Pygame tutorials: Pong Tutorial 1: Getting Started Pong Tutorial 2: Adding the Paddles Pong Tutorial 3: Controlling the Paddles Pong Tutorial 4: Adding a Bouncing Ball Pong Tutorial 5: Adding a Scoring system Extra: Pygame How To's? Our aim is to add the bouncing ball to our Pong game. To do so we will create a new class called Ball.

Best for: Group of about 5 to 10 players.

What you need: A pool table with plenty of room around it to move in. And a group of people to play.

How to play: First, get rid of all the balls except for the eight ball and the cue ball. Those are the only ones you’ll need. You won’t need any cue sticks, either. Next, decide playing order by lining up around the table. Remember who you go after.

The object of the game is to always keep the eight ball moving. If it stops moving on your turn, you get a letter. If you get four letters (S, P, A, and Z), you’re out of the game.


Here’s how it works. Everyone lines up in order around the pool table. Let’s say Kim is playing, and it’s her turn. She steps up to one short end of the pool table and grabs the cue ball. Then another player stands on the opposite side of the table, grabs the eight ball, and rolls it across the pool table pretty hard, so it starts bouncing back and forth between the two ends. Kim’s job is to roll the cue ball and hit the eight ball with it. As soon as she hits the eight ball, her turn is over and she moves away from the table. Then the next player (say, Frank) is up. He grabs the cue ball and has to hit the eight ball, too. If the eight ball loses momentum and stops moving before he can hit it, he gets a letter.

Now, there are two important rules. First, the player who’s up must always stand between the pockets on either short end of the table:

No standing on the long ends; only on the short ends. Second, you can only hit the eight ball when it’s on the opposite side of the table as you. So in the above picture, pretend there’s an invisible line connecting the two middle pockets on the long ends. If the eight ball is on the left half of the table, you have to be on the right side, and vice versa.

That’s where the physically active part comes in—as the eight ball keeps rolling across the table, you end up running around it a lot to make sure you’re on the opposite side before you can hit the eight ball. You end up jogging more and more if the eight ball is on the other side, you roll the cue ball towards it, and you miss—then you’ve gotta run around the table, grab the cue ball, run back around, and hope the eight ball hasn’t stopped moving yet. There are no limits on how many times you can miss, as long as the eight ball keeps moving. Also, if you accidentally hit the eight ball when it’s on the same side of the table as you, you get a letter.

There’s one more way to get a letter in spaz: if the person whose turn precedes yours knocks the eight ball into a pocket. So say Kim’s up again, and she grabs the cue ball and rolls it towards the eight ball. The eight ball is hit and rolls right into the corner pocket—that means Frank, who goes after Kim, gets a letter. He also loses his turn and the person after him starts again.

So that’s spaz. Play proceeds around the circle. Keep track of your letters, and when you get all four, you’re out. The number of players gets smaller and smaller as players are eliminated, until a sole champion remains.

Game Pigeon Hacks Cup Pong Set

If you want to see a sample game, here’s one. Just letting you know, the video quality isn’t super great, it’s noisy, and it’s not super clear, but hopefully it’ll help give you an idea if you’re a little lost.

Strategies: One of the best strategies is, when it’s your turn, to wait until the eight ball is moving pretty slowly, almost stopped, and then very lightly hit it with the cue ball. Then the player after you really has to hustle to avoid getting a letter. Of course, hitting the eight ball into a pocket is a great strategy, too. But often the game is so fast-paced that aim might not have much to do with it. 🙂

Cup Pong Imessage Tips

Cautions: This game is best suited for teens and older. Be careful of smashed fingers or flying pool balls…yes, very careful.

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By Juansi Santaella — May 8, 2017 — English 4

As part of the recent ios 10 software update introduced last fall, iMessage can now be used as something more than just for texting. Apple introduced a series of little apps that are accessible only from your iMessages. Gamepigeon is one of the top iMessage apps out there with a variety of games to play.

20 cups, 2 balls, and 2 iPhones is all that you need to play the latest Gamepigeon iMessage game, “Cup Pong”.

This game is a digital version of the popular party drinking game known as beer pong. The game is set up with 20 solo cups — 10 on each side– forming a pyramid. 4 cups in the back row, 3 in the next, 2 cups ahead, and a final cup in front.

Player one starts a new game and a message is sent to the opponent. The opponent opens the game and gets two chances to swipe the ball and try to make it into a cup. If the ball goes into the cup, the cup is taken away. If both balls go into the cups, the player gets balls back. Balls back mean both balls go back to the player and they get to try to swipe the balls into more cups. This happens until the player misses. When the player misses, their turn is over and the next player attempts to make it into the other cups. The objective of the game is to make it into as many cups first. If you make it into all of the cups, the game is still not over, the other player can redeem themselves.

Unlike its real life counterpart, once the game is over and a winner is determined, the loser does not have to drink all of the remaining cups left on the table.

This game is available to anyone with access to the iPhone’s iMessage feature, virtually allowing anyone to become that stereotypical party-goer for the duration of the game. This game obviously does not include the use of beer or any other type of liquid, but the fun is still very intoxicating.

I know that after a few games played, I wanted to dust off the ol’ ping pong table and invite about a few dozen friends and have an actual tournament. This game is very fun and I highly recommend everyone to play it. It is a great thing to do when you want to kill some time.

With every good thing in life, there is always a critic. Someone who can’t help but disagree or get offended with everything. I have read many reviews that this game should be banned because it promotes and encourages drinking and partying. But in all honesty, the game is far from that. It is a harmless game that was created to pass time. The one unfortunate thing about the app and the game itself is that it can only be played between two people. I would love to see a “teams” option so that you and a buddy can take on two other buddies in a group chat.


Overall, a good game is really hard to find these days. It has been a while since I have opened my phone just to play a game. In my opinion, player v. player games are very entertaining and that is one of the reasons I really enjoy the Gamepigeon iMessage app.

The game is simple, fun, and best of all: it is 100% free!

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