Does Game Pigeon Notify People When You Click On It

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inspiration, like most things in life, cannot be forced. that’s actually something that i think about quite a lot considering my chosen profession. i wake up every day. go to work. and for 9 hours (minus an hour lunch break, countless time spent playing Scrabble, and the inevitable zoned-out daydreams) i try to conjure creativity-on-demand. naturally, that doesn’t work. so i fall back on my “old bag of tricks” and tried-and-true design clichés to meet my deadlines and keep my brand managers content. [side note: don’t tell my brand managers about this]

but, what of true inspiration? how do you manufacture those genuine moments of epiphany and summon the inspired ideas that will drive the kind of work that keeps you doing that thing that you do?

Does Game Pigeon Notify People When You Click On It

well, the truth of the matter is that you can’t. it finds you when it wants to. the trick is, i guess, to be aware enough to recognize it when it does.

so here i am. working clumsily along on an idea that has seemingly always been a few degrees shy of inspired. i’ve hit roadblocks and snares and can never seem to find that one last morsel of energy to keep me entrenched the way i need to be. it’s not a bad idea. and i’m not ready to toss it aside completely. but, i’ve been playing this game long enough to know when the curveball just doesn’t have the right spin (so to speak).

but, then…

then it happens.

first, i find myself in an etching class with three brand new zinc plates and the vague idea that i’d like to do a triptych. nothing much more than that floating around in my brain. and, for some reason that i can’t quite explain, my mind wanders off to a new friend with an enthusiastic optimism that i haven’t quite encountered before. and then, there it is. an image of a little character dancing in the rain underneath a black cloud. a visual representation of the spirit that has found its way into my life.

to round out the triptych i decide to play with the concept of the black cloud and—almost subconsciously—i develop a series of prints that showcase three different ways that one might confront their black cloud. and, then i realize that a new book has just been born.

and, then, it happens again.

another new friend and i are talking and she tells me this wonderful story. it’s meant simply to illustrate an experience that we all carry with us from our childhoods where we hide away a part of ourselves because of the conceived notions of what is “appropriate” for our gender, our age, our being…and what is not. but, the story she tells brings with it the most fascinating visuals and the feelings expressed strike a very strong cord with me. so much so, that one day while sitting down to sketch out characters for the first idea, i’m compelled to draw this image from the story that she told. and, then i realize that another new book has just been born.

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Does Game Pigeon Notify People When You Click On Its Right

so here i am. motivated again. driven again. but this time in two directions at the same time. i tried for a while to decide which path to choose. i went back and forth for a while until i realized that the beautiful things is: i don’t have to choose. i can, in fact, take both paths simultaneously.

Does Game Pigeon Notify People When You Click On It

and, that’s exactly what i’m going to do. the following is a synopsis of the two ideas. i’ll begin to unfold them both as the inspiration comes and as i figure them out. so feel free to follow along…

1. Black Cloud (working title): a visual story with little to no text. our main character awakens to find a black cloud hanging over him. he tries a series of “techniques” to shake, hide from, or disperse his cloud until he realizes that letting go is the only way to summon the rainbow.

2. Untitled (so far): a serious of vignettes featuring children confronting a societal pressure to act in accordance to one predetermined “norm” or another. each vignette will be a single page or a spread, some with accompanying text. some without. the common theme throughout will be the courage of these characters to take ownership of their own identity in the face of pressures to conform.


we shall see what becomes of these in time as i continue to drawdle on…

Does Game Pigeon Notify People When You Click On Its The Way

*thank you to my newfound friends for inspiring me and allowing me to take a piece of you to add to the soup that is my scattered mind…

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